Thursday, May 17, 2012

GreenPrisons at Ohio Wardens and Superintendents Conference

GreenPrisons was invited to present the advantages of sustainability to the Ohio Wardens and Superintendents Association (OWSA)Conference in Berlin, Ohio May 17. With over 100+ wardens and superintendents from the adult and juvenile systems from around Ohio and many of their administrators an informative discussion was held including numerous projects ongoing in the Buckeye state. In his opening remarks Director Gary Mohr talked to the group about the importance of developing new management strategies whose results can be measured. Sustainable initiatives by their nature are measureable whether in dollars saved, pounds recycled, inmates trained or electical loads reduced. As part of their training intiatives the warden's association has assigned a team of wardens to monitor the savings generated over the next six months from the sustainable efforts and report back to the Director. GreenPrisons will work with the wardens committee to make sure they are regularly informed of new products and practices. The program also included presentations by Commissioner Chris Epps of Mississippi and Warden Burl Cain of Angola.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to share that you can have a free product sent to you to try out! Hit the lower button called "more information" peg
