Wednesday, May 18, 2011 and team up to offer the Sustainable Corrections Blog

Hello, my name is Tommy Norris, Executive Director of, and I am the editor of’s newest blog, Sustainable Corrections.  This new blog is the result of a collaboration between and is the only source on the web dedicated exclusively to sustainable products and practices in corrections.
In the coming weeks you will find a series of articles about what’s happening in corrections relating to sustainable products and practices.  From sophisticated energy conservation efforts, LEED construction and what it means, to recycling and composting.  

The blog will have three focal points.  First and foremost, generating cost savings through adopting a variety of sustainable practices and the use of more efficient, sustainable products.  Secondly, we will examine the evolution of training programs designed to prepare offenders for 21st century “green collar” jobs.  Finally, we believe that the adoption of sustainable practices and products will make corrections a better neighbor and contribute significantly to an improved environment in the communities where correctional facilities are present.
This blog and the website are an outgrowth of the “Clean and Green” committee created by the American Correctional Association some 18 months ago.  Readers will be asked to suggest topics for that committee and we will keep you apprised of the actions of the committee. 
Unlike other blogs on this one will not have a single contributor, but rather a series of experts in the field who will offer their opinions about the products and services utilized by institutions around the country.  You are encouraged to provide your comments to each of the articles which will be published about every two weeks.  If you would like to contribute an article it should be 500-1,000 words and address a sustainable practice, product or service utilized in corrections.  You can address your article to me at  and I will respond to you directly.
You are also encouraged to visit for an expanded discussion on sustainability in corrections.  There you will have the opportunity to learn about specific efforts from agencies in our featured program as well as check out the links to many other articles focusing on sustainability in corrections.
Join us in the coming weeks to learn how you can save $1,000 per inmate per year by adopting sustainable practices, or the latest in “green”, environmentally neutral cleaning solutions.  We will explore links between accreditation and sustainability including the latest standard adopted by the Commission on Accreditation of Corrections requiring every correctional function to at least examine ways they can develop more sustainable practices.
There will also be something for vendors as well.  Providers of sustainable products and services will hear first hand from senior agency managers what a vendor must do to successfully contract with government, and how they can ensure that the uniqueness of their product is explained in a way that does not compromise the procurement process.
By visiting you can also learn how to register for the National Symposium on Sustainable Corrections to be held in Indianapolis, June 13-16.  In addition to national speakers, the Symposium will also include a tour of an Indiana correctional facility to observe a variety of sustainable practices and programs.
Be sure to check back here beginning May 16, for’s newest blog and to learn the latest in sustainable practices and products in corrections.
Tommy Norris
Executive Director

Wednesday, May 11, 2011