Thursday, March 29, 2012

Maryland Secretary Gary Maynard Confirmed As Keynote Speaker for Symposium

Maryland Secretary of Public Safety and Corrections to Keynote Second National Symposium on Sustainability in Corrections
Maryland Secretary of Public Safety and Corrections, Gary Maynard will be the keynote speaker at the opening luncheon for the Second National Symposium on Sustainability in Corrections. Secretary Maynard has an extensive background in correctional management including serving as a warden and regional director. He has served as Commissioner or Director in Iowa, South Carolina and Oklahoma before being selected to lead the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Corrections.
In addition to his correctional experience Mr. Maynard retired from the Oklahoma National Guard as a Brigadier General after 32 years of service. He is past President of the American Correctional Association, a Commissioner for the Commission on Accreditation of Corrections, and served on the ACA Standards Committee. He is an author, adjunct professor and a truly dedicated public servant.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Conversation With Sarah Patterson of Lettuce Grow

I recently had the opportunity to have a long conversation with Sarah Patterson of This innovative program with its roots in Oregon has the potential to grow into a national movement. OK I'll quit with the puns now, because this unique approach to inmate horticulture programs has more than proven itself in the Oregon Department of Corrections.

In a nutshell it has taken the standard inmate horticulture program and turned it into a certification program with the local university agricultural extension office "Master Gardener" certification program. The Oregon program provides fresh vegetables for the institution food service operation, producing a healthier, less expensive diet.

In addition to the produce, inmates are involved in a 400 hour, nationally recognized certification program. Graduates of the program learn skills they can take back to agriculture, plant nursuries, or their own backyard garden.

You can learn more about this innovative program at and hear a live presentation by Sarah at this year's National Symposium on Sustainability in Corrections.

Monday, March 5, 2012

NIJ Publishes Greening Guidebook

The long awaited NIJ publication on sustainability in corrections is now available. Download your free copy at

The "Greening Corrections Technology Guidebook" was authored by Paul Sheldon and Gene Atherton. You will recognize many of the topics because our current webinar series is based on Paul's "Seven Steps to Sustainability in Corrections". The guidebook contains lots of additional information on each of the seven steps with plenty of practical applications from Gene.

There is still time to register for our free webinar series. Just go to the GreenPrisons home page at and sign up today. This month's topic is HVAC and space in the webinar is limited.

Registration is also now open for our fall symposium. Register before June 1
and you could be the winner of a free registration (individual registrations only).