Saturday, July 21, 2012

Greetings From ACA

ACA kicks off its 142nd Congress of Corrections today in Mile High Denver CO. There is lots of buzz about sustainability and about GreenPrisons. Our first official activity is this afternoon at 1:30 when the Clean and Green committee convenes. If you're at the conference be sure to come by room 301 of the Convention Center. We've already met a number of folks new to corrections eager to learn more about what correctional agencies are doing to promote sustainability. They will have ample opportunity during more than six workshops examining the topic from any number of angles. Yesterday Superintendent Keith Butts of the Pendleton Correctional Facility in IN and I visited the headquarters of Community Power Corporation to learn more about their garbage gasification project. Currently they have a version designed to meet the Department of Defense's commissary needs to dispose of food and cellulose waste in areas with high tipping fees and/or high utilities cost. They will be doing a feasibility study to determine its applicability in corrections. You will learn the results of that study here on and at our Symposium in October in Indianapolis. More tomorrow from the exhibit floor at ACA

Monday, July 9, 2012

Water Webinar Scheduled for Wednesday

Join GreenPrisons on Wednesday, June 11 at 11 AM EST for our free webinar on Effective Water Management in the Correctional Setting. Learn more about controlling water flow, waterless urinals, and rainwater management for some of America's foremost. Register at